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Writer's pictureMarket Team

Partners & Sponsors

Support MATTERS. A lot.

The Millwork Night Market team spent a lot of time last winter thinking about how we could be better. How we could make our market different. How we could take it up a notch. The truth is, we couldn’t. Not by ourselves. The Millwork Night Market exists because of our idea (and a pretty good one, if we do say so ourselves), but it thrives and improves because a lot of people lend a hand, every month, no matter what. Very few people realize how much (wo)manpower it takes to put on a huge event like this. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, and it’s because of folks like these that we’d like to give a shout out to everyone who pitched in this season.

We know some individuals may not want to be in the limelight, so their names have been left off this list. Just know that we haven’t taken a single moment of this year for granted, and your help is very, very appreciated.


Financial Sponsors

Building Owners

In-kind Contributors


We may have brought you the Millwork Night Market, but support from these people helped us make it better. Did you know we are low-waste market? That’s not easy with thousands of people converging on a small space with food and drinks, but we tracked every piece of trash, recycling, and compost that was produced at our market, then tried to find ways to reduce our environmental impact even more. Did you know that those streets in the district on any other night are lit only by street lamps? The building owners turned on all their external flood lamps and dock lights so that you could see our vendors’ amazing products and walk safely through the streets. We borrowed music & staging equipment instead of buying new. We DIYed everything we possibly could, from signage to seating. We refused to sell water in plastic bottles, so 7Hills stepped up and served water from kegs for anyone who brought their own reusable cup from home.

Everybody involved in the Night Market supported our mission from the beginning. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you and see you next year!

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